Tenmat fire test multiple ventilation products to allow increased ventilation, which can be used to reduce the indoor transmission of COVID-19


During these unprecedented times, many companies are looking for technology options that will aid in the protection of staff and customers from the transmission of COVID 19, which spreads primarily through droplets in the air.

“Increased ventilation and air movement can reduce the indoor transmission of COVID-19 by up to 70%”, according to Government data.

Whilst increased ventilation can be sometimes achieved via the use of natural ventilation, in many situations mechanical ventilation is the best, if not only, solution, especially during the winter months.

To increase the amount of mechanical ventilation often requires the need to increase the amount or size of air supply and extract penetrations, usually fitted in the ceiling.

Ceilings often represent the critical fire compartment barrier within a building and therefore the addition of extra penetrations can dramatically impair the ability of ceiling to reduce the spread of fire and smoke.

Most fire rated ventilation products such as air valves and ceiling fans, are fire tested with the minimum number of items fitted within a ceiling construction, typically one supply and one extract product per ceiling, the products are then given a fire rating based upon this density of products per ceiling.

Adding additional ventilation products is a necessity to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 it can also seriously reduce the fire performance of the building and therefore increase dangers to occupants.

To resolve this issue, Tenmat have undertaken extensive testing with its range of fire rated air valves and fire rated ceiling fans where multiple units are tested in each ceiling construction, often 6-8 (needs confirming) ventilation products per ceiling fire test.

In addition to fire testing multiple numbers of ventilation products per test, Tenmat have also tested in the onerous ceiling construction including I-beam and metal web joists.

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