Get to know: Ian Hainsworth

Get to know our team

Get to know: Ian Hainsworth

Ian Hainsworth, Tenmat’s Product Development & Testing Engineer, took the time to tell us about about some of the proudest achievements from his career in the fire service, the importance of Tenmat Fire Protection in keeping the public safe, and the sorts of things he enjoys doing in the time he’s not at work!

Fire Protection

I’ve potentially saved more lives and for longer whilst I’ve been at Tenmat, than in my 32 years in the fire service!

Ian Hainsworth

Fire Engineer – Tenmat

Get to know: Ian Hainsworth

Your favourite all time song, and why?

Amazed by Lonestar, this was our first dance at our wedding.

Get to know: Ian Hainsworth

Your favourite food, and why?

Indian cuisine, love spicy food. The hotter the better!

Your favourite holiday destination, and why?

Bulgaria. Just love the People and their way of life. I bought two houses there, after doing charity work with fire services charity ‘Operation Florian’ we ran missions all over the Balkans, following on from the Yugoslavian war.  I was responsible for leading many missions over there to supply fire engines and equipment to local communities, and training students, one project was called soldiers to saviours. We trained ex combatants from either side of the conflict as firefighters to serve the communities. My greatest achievement was leading a convoy of fifteen fire engines across Europe to a training camp set up in a shelled hotel in Neum, Bosnia.

Your favourite Film or TV show?

Got to be the Blues Brothers, it always puts a smile on my face.

What is your favourite hobby?

Road and mountain biking, and when the weather is really bad, a bit of DIY or model making.

What is your favourite animal?

Dogs, we have two little cavapoos who rule the house!

What is your favourite Tenmat memory?

My interview for the job, to say I held their attention was an understatement, people were leaving in the middle to go to other meetings and returning to carry on with my interview. Four hours of entertaining the board interviewing me.

Was only supposed to be a maximum of around 60 minutes according to the instructions. It turned out to be well worth it as I got the job!

Who or what inspires you most in your career?

There have been many people who have influenced me throughout my careers, and other walks in life. I always say what I find praiseworthy in others I try and imitate, and what faults I see in them I also try to amend in myself! Sorry if it’s a bit deep!

What is something an outsider wouldn't know about the industry?

The great deal of time and effort we put in as an industry to keep the greater population safe. This all happens behind the scenes and unseen by the general public. You could call us invisible heroes!

I’ve potentially saved more lives and for longer whilst I’ve been at Tenmat, than in my 32 years in the fire service!


Your favourite thing about your current job?

The great people I work with, and the constant challenges I love to rise up to, finding solutions!

The career highight that you're most proud of?

That Eureka moment when I was able to come up with the perfect ventilated fire barrier that can be tested to BSEN1366-4 and pass with ease, showing the video proof of the test to the rest of the team, was jaw dropping.

What's the first thing you do after getting home from work?

As I walk through the door, I always kiss the wife and we tell each other we love them. This was a pact we made early on in our relationship. No matter how bad you day has been I makes everything better and focuses us as a team.

Then I’m met with two happy dogs who also needs cuddles and to say hello.

And that’s when the kettle goes on for a cuppa!