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Thermal analytical insulation materials

Tenmat manufacturers analytical equipment and high-temperature insulation materials, which exhibit inertness and integrity over extreme temperature ranges.

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Thermal analytical insulation materials

Tenmat manufacturers analytical equipment and high-temperature insulation materials, which exhibit inertness and integrity over extreme temperature ranges.


High-performance products for demanding applications

Elemental analysis equipment requires materials which can be machined into high accuracy and complicated components, which will withstand temperatures over 1000 °C and which are inert and stable over this immense temperature range.

Thermal analytical materials at a glance

Nitrasil R, a Tenmat silicon nitride ceramic, offers these properties and more as electromagnetic fields, for example, created by induction heating systems, do not affect the material.


Specialist lab equipment materials



Excellent thermal insulation
Superior resistance to wetting
Low thermal conductivity
Superior resistance to thermal shock